Highly Recommended.
One of the biggest surprises this year must be visionary director Ricky Greenwood and the one of kind productions he is making that are doing more then turning everyone’s head. He is going places that few have ever dared in the adult world and Terror Camp is his latest offering from Sweetheart Video that mixes both horror thriller and adult erotica. This looks to be something of a combination of the Blair Witch meets something out of the Sweet Sinner camp but how amazing is it that this is an all-girl feature. There has not been so much dedication to this genre that I have seen than has been given in 2019. There are a lot of good actors in this business and this film has many of them. What better time of year to see what comes with the combination of fright and fantasy, only one way to find out.
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Source: http://www.xcritic.com/